I know I have not been on here in a while, but as you know, my posts on this particular blog are usually when I have activity from our littlest house guest. Sometimes that is a few times a week and other times, not for a couple of months. But usually when the activity happens, it seems that we have several incidences in a row. Such is the case now.
In December just before Christmas, we had 3 small incidents that were definitely worth noting. My hubby and I were laying in bed trying to fall a sleep one night when he swore he felt our little dog, Marley, walking up and down behind him on the bed. He almost screamed and scared the living day lights out of me saying "somethings walking on the bed behind me right now and it ain't Marley!". He described it the next day to someone as "depressions on the bed like this...(pushing the cushion on the couch up and down lightly).
This was the first time that I can remember of one of us has actually feeling something like that, near us I mean. Nothing thus far has felt like it was right next to us or touching us in any way. It's usually a shadow figure walking the halls and on the walls, sounds, voices or even weird occurances with items around the hosue.
Weirder yet is that just about a week later, the same thing happened to him again one night when he fell a sleep on the couch when I was in bed. He said he woke up to feeling the same little depressions behind his back in between his body and the back of the couch. On this occasion he said he swiped his hand back and forth behind him looking for little Marley and she was not there. He lifted his head up and saw her fast a sleep in her little doggie bed across from him, no where near the section of the sectional where he had fallen a sleep.
A few days later, another odd incident happened to the two of us in our living room. We were both laying on a couch watching TV when we both heard something hit the mini blinds behind the Christmas tree in our front window. To me it sounded almost like someone through a wadded up piece of paper and it hit the blinds and fell down. There was nothing on the floor, stuck in the tree or the blinds when I looked. But we BOTH heard it!
So now comes this week. And a weird week it has been. We have one of Willie's cousins visiting for 12 days and it has been quite the visit. We have never met this cousin before believe it or not, so while we are technically living under the same roof for these twelve days, it's getting to know each other while living together that has been really weird.
So one night, while I was enjoying a smoke out front, he hit me up about "our little visitor" as he calls her. He said that my husband had mentioned briefly about our ghostly house guest and he was interested in knowing more. Of course we were both more than happy to feed his curiosity with some of our wild stories.
It just so happens that while I was deep into one of my experiences, my hubby went into the bedroom to let Tonka, one of our dogs, out to run around. He could not find him and immediately came out and yelled at me because he thought I had accidentally locked him outside and that he had somehow escaped. He said he could not find him anywhere. I ran through the house and out back to immediate check to see if he had gotten through the fence over into the backyard of the bank owned home next door. To my surprise the hole was nice and secure.
We both continued calling him and looking everywhere to no avail. At this point, we both went back out front to with our cousin and were just about to go looking down the street when cousin stated "maybe he is in the closet". I told cousin that there was no way he would be in there, afterall we have lived in this house for four and a half years and he has NEVER gone into one of the closets. Right then, I ran inside to look one more time, calling him all the way and to my astonishment, he was came out of the closet!
My hubby and I were left astonished and told cousin that he had NEVER gone in the closet before now, to which he replied "maybe something scared him". I think this was more than a coincidence. I think something did scare him and wasn't it convenient that this strange occurrence would happen right when we were talking about her and that cousin had known (somehow) where to check? To me all those things coming together at the same time was way more than coincidence.
It is incidents like these that leave me with more questions than answers. Did she choose the moment to come forth now after so long because we mentioned her? Could she have been upset at us sharing our stories with a (semi) stranger right before her? Could she have scared our beloved pet to get back at us? To make us perk up an acknowledge the validity of her to our other house guest? One will never know.
I hope now that she seems to have made her presence known to us once again that she will stick around for a while. I always love sharing her stories here on this blog. I hope that we can continue to entertain her enough to make her want to share small moments with us for as long as we stay here. And ultimately, I hope to someday learn if there was such a girl in this home, or on this street, so that we can give her a name and find out why she is still wandering our halls.
Until next time.