Have you ever wondered if the moon plays a part in how often ghosts appear or seem to be more active in their locations? I have. And I have noticed lots of weird things happening when the moon is full. People and animals tend to act strange. I seem to have a heightened sense of things going on around me. I have noticed complete silence on some nights and then just the opposite - strong winds that feel 'weird' to me, night bird screams, dogs barking. I have even noticed waking up at exactly on or around the 3am hour on a few occasions on or around a full moon. Whatever the case, a similar situation happened a few weeks back.
One night making dinner we were in and out of the backyard, admiring the moon, trying to catch it on my good old digital and stiring up some spaghetti and sausage. I went to the drawer and started looking for a slotted spoon to test the timing of the spaghetti and for some reason, could not find either of the two I own. I looked on the counters, in the dishwasher, cupboards and even in my daughters room. Not a spoon to be found anywhere. Hell I even looked more than once, as my husband came in and asked me what I was looking for and cursing about.
He proceeded to tell me to calm down and helped me look. Again we went through and over every possible place they could be, to no avail. Finally I had to resort to some other method. We ate dinner and agreed to ask our daughter later if she had anything to do with the missing spoons.
And I'll be damned the next day. I opened the same drawer that they go in and that I had dug in 2 or 3 times the night before and both spoons lay right on the top like they had been there for a week. Finding them is what reminded me to ask the kid. "Did you have my two slotted spoons in your room somewhere, because I was looking for them last night." "No! Mom, why would I have your spoons in my room?" "Well that's funny...Papa and I looked all over the house for them last night when we were cooking dinner and couldn't find them anywhere."
Of course the only thing we could all come up with is perhaps our little ghost girl was playing tricks on us again. Stealing my spoons until I got pissed and then returning them when I least expect it. The nerve of the little ghost girl!
What I want to know is why ghosts play games with the living like that? Is it so we know they are there? Is it because they are trying to communicate? Is it because they miss the interaction and fun that was real life? Perhaps. Or is it something more sinister...perhaps to scare us, perhaps to frustrate us, to cause unrest in our families or even to push us to get out of what they consider 'their' space?
Ghostly things to ponder until next time.
Those Who Walk Among Us
Our personal experiences of the 'unexplainable'
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Who moved the...gym?
I know that sometimes ghosts can move things around or play games with you by 'misplacing' thing. But last week I came home to the unexplainable movement of a most unlikely thing - our home gym.
As I went into the back room to change clothes after work, I noticed that our gym was moved over on it's mat about 6" to the right and that there was a huge wrinkle in the mat that is underneath the gym to help protect the tile. After I was done changing, I of course went and spoke to my husband about it to ask if perhaps he had noticed (how could he have NOT noticed) and if he had done it.
"Did you move the gym over and wrinkle the mat?" I asked.
"No. What are you talking about?" said Will.
"Someone moved the gym over and it wrinkled the mat underneath. I want to know why it was not fixed."
"Wasn't me. I have no idea what you are talking about."
"Come take a look. I am not sure how the gym got moved. The dog didn't do it that's for sure."
Will wanted to know what the hell I was talking about so I took him and showed him. The gym is simply too heavy for our dog Tonka to have done it. Neither Will, Allie or myself did it. No one else had been in our room at all. We were both dumbfounded. How can a dusty gym that has not moved nor the mat gotten wrinkled in over a year that it's been sitting there suddenly have moved?
I had to take pictures so that I could post this to my blog. You can tell from all the dust in this room that we don't use the gym (as we should) and believe it or not, this room was just mopped two weeks ago. It was when we were looking over the situation together that I also noticed a big slide mark in the dust on the seat, but not a butt mark like you would think would be on there should a person have physically sat down there. We have laid nothing on the gym ever, although it looks like something clearly took a slide across it. We had the discussion of how this had all happened and then dismissed it as a question with no immediate answer and went on with our day.
It was not until last Saturday when our friend Denise came over and was asking us about our 'ghost' and we told her the most recent story that we actually thought about trying to move the gym. She wanted to see so we took her into the back bedroom to show her and try to explain how such a heavy item got moved. The gym is not light and does not just move if bumped. We found that unless you physically lifted the end of it up and over to the right, it did not move. It's not just something that can be bumped and move easily.
I am not sure how this happened and if we will ever find out how the gym moved. I do know that this is one of the heavier items in the house that is never touched. Ever. By any one. Guess we are left wondering if our "ghost girl" is into working out, or if perhaps she was visiting with our dog and decided to take a seat. Who knows?
As I went into the back room to change clothes after work, I noticed that our gym was moved over on it's mat about 6" to the right and that there was a huge wrinkle in the mat that is underneath the gym to help protect the tile. After I was done changing, I of course went and spoke to my husband about it to ask if perhaps he had noticed (how could he have NOT noticed) and if he had done it.
"Did you move the gym over and wrinkle the mat?" I asked.
"No. What are you talking about?" said Will.
"Someone moved the gym over and it wrinkled the mat underneath. I want to know why it was not fixed."
"Wasn't me. I have no idea what you are talking about."
"Come take a look. I am not sure how the gym got moved. The dog didn't do it that's for sure."
I had to take pictures so that I could post this to my blog. You can tell from all the dust in this room that we don't use the gym (as we should) and believe it or not, this room was just mopped two weeks ago. It was when we were looking over the situation together that I also noticed a big slide mark in the dust on the seat, but not a butt mark like you would think would be on there should a person have physically sat down there. We have laid nothing on the gym ever, although it looks like something clearly took a slide across it. We had the discussion of how this had all happened and then dismissed it as a question with no immediate answer and went on with our day.
It was not until last Saturday when our friend Denise came over and was asking us about our 'ghost' and we told her the most recent story that we actually thought about trying to move the gym. She wanted to see so we took her into the back bedroom to show her and try to explain how such a heavy item got moved. The gym is not light and does not just move if bumped. We found that unless you physically lifted the end of it up and over to the right, it did not move. It's not just something that can be bumped and move easily.
I am not sure how this happened and if we will ever find out how the gym moved. I do know that this is one of the heavier items in the house that is never touched. Ever. By any one. Guess we are left wondering if our "ghost girl" is into working out, or if perhaps she was visiting with our dog and decided to take a seat. Who knows?
Friday, February 3, 2012
How can we tell the difference?
Tonight I would like to mention something that I have noticed over the past few years. That is that I seem to notice far to many things now than I did years ago. I seem to see and hear more and wonder if there truly is a sixth sense and if mine has kicked into overdrive at some point in my life.
I want to know...do we go on to another place? Or another dimension? Do ghostly apparitions come back to mingle with the living for any particular reason? And in how many different ways can they make themselves known to us?
I want to clarify that there was an incident that happened many years ago that changed me. I mean like a life changing thing that scared the hell outta me and made me wake up and pay attention. Pay attention to and question just about everything I hear and see. It was from that day forward that my belief in the 'unexplainable' went off the charts.
I have noticed how I pay attention to everything now, more so than before. I see 'signs'; both good omens and bad. I hear and see things out of the corner of my eyes and hearing that I have to question. The thing that I want to say about that is, how do you know if EVERY little thing that you see or hear should be taken as a sign?
This week I had two things happen that once again, I can not explain. One night while the hubby had fallen a sleep on the couch, I was sitting here reading and kept hearing a ringing sort of noise coming from the wall behind me (my daughters room). No, it was not my ears ringing and my daughter was not even home. It was a weird ringing, not like a phone or something on the TV. It started to drive me crazy and just when it did, it stopped. Then nothing but a dead silence. And it did not return. Weird, unexplainable noise it was!
Then this morning I had another small thing happen to me that I could not explain. I get up to go to work at 5:30am as I have to be at work by 7:00am every morning. I usually leave around 6:30am on the dot so I can get the kid to cheer, stop and get gas if need be and move my ass along with all the other robots on the freeway towards my daily grind. This morning as I was leaving, I opened the door with bags on my shoulders, keys in my hand and SWORE that a cat ran in the house underneath my feet.
The weird thing is, I don't like cats at all. Fact is, I hate them. I grew up with terrible allergies to them and just never found a cat I liked. But the neighbors have like 3 or 4 of them and I thought perhaps one of them had gotten brave enough to run into the Dragon's Lair (or in our case, the dog's). When I quickly turned around to catch what had just passed underneath me, there was nothing there. I even walked over to the other side of the coffee table to look because I swore that something had come in underneath me.
Call me crazy, but how does stuff like this happen and what does it mean? If you are reading this now, I am assuming things like this interest you as much as they do me. I would like to know what your thoughts are on this. What are these weird occurrences that I have and has anyone else experienced things like this happening?
I want to know...do we go on to another place? Or another dimension? Do ghostly apparitions come back to mingle with the living for any particular reason? And in how many different ways can they make themselves known to us?
I want to clarify that there was an incident that happened many years ago that changed me. I mean like a life changing thing that scared the hell outta me and made me wake up and pay attention. Pay attention to and question just about everything I hear and see. It was from that day forward that my belief in the 'unexplainable' went off the charts.
I have noticed how I pay attention to everything now, more so than before. I see 'signs'; both good omens and bad. I hear and see things out of the corner of my eyes and hearing that I have to question. The thing that I want to say about that is, how do you know if EVERY little thing that you see or hear should be taken as a sign?
This week I had two things happen that once again, I can not explain. One night while the hubby had fallen a sleep on the couch, I was sitting here reading and kept hearing a ringing sort of noise coming from the wall behind me (my daughters room). No, it was not my ears ringing and my daughter was not even home. It was a weird ringing, not like a phone or something on the TV. It started to drive me crazy and just when it did, it stopped. Then nothing but a dead silence. And it did not return. Weird, unexplainable noise it was!
Then this morning I had another small thing happen to me that I could not explain. I get up to go to work at 5:30am as I have to be at work by 7:00am every morning. I usually leave around 6:30am on the dot so I can get the kid to cheer, stop and get gas if need be and move my ass along with all the other robots on the freeway towards my daily grind. This morning as I was leaving, I opened the door with bags on my shoulders, keys in my hand and SWORE that a cat ran in the house underneath my feet.
The weird thing is, I don't like cats at all. Fact is, I hate them. I grew up with terrible allergies to them and just never found a cat I liked. But the neighbors have like 3 or 4 of them and I thought perhaps one of them had gotten brave enough to run into the Dragon's Lair (or in our case, the dog's). When I quickly turned around to catch what had just passed underneath me, there was nothing there. I even walked over to the other side of the coffee table to look because I swore that something had come in underneath me.
Call me crazy, but how does stuff like this happen and what does it mean? If you are reading this now, I am assuming things like this interest you as much as they do me. I would like to know what your thoughts are on this. What are these weird occurrences that I have and has anyone else experienced things like this happening?
Monday, January 23, 2012
Someone's on the bed
I know I have not been on here in a while, but as you know, my posts on this particular blog are usually when I have activity from our littlest house guest. Sometimes that is a few times a week and other times, not for a couple of months. But usually when the activity happens, it seems that we have several incidences in a row. Such is the case now.
In December just before Christmas, we had 3 small incidents that were definitely worth noting. My hubby and I were laying in bed trying to fall a sleep one night when he swore he felt our little dog, Marley, walking up and down behind him on the bed. He almost screamed and scared the living day lights out of me saying "somethings walking on the bed behind me right now and it ain't Marley!". He described it the next day to someone as "depressions on the bed like this...(pushing the cushion on the couch up and down lightly).
This was the first time that I can remember of one of us has actually feeling something like that, near us I mean. Nothing thus far has felt like it was right next to us or touching us in any way. It's usually a shadow figure walking the halls and on the walls, sounds, voices or even weird occurances with items around the hosue.
Weirder yet is that just about a week later, the same thing happened to him again one night when he fell a sleep on the couch when I was in bed. He said he woke up to feeling the same little depressions behind his back in between his body and the back of the couch. On this occasion he said he swiped his hand back and forth behind him looking for little Marley and she was not there. He lifted his head up and saw her fast a sleep in her little doggie bed across from him, no where near the section of the sectional where he had fallen a sleep.
A few days later, another odd incident happened to the two of us in our living room. We were both laying on a couch watching TV when we both heard something hit the mini blinds behind the Christmas tree in our front window. To me it sounded almost like someone through a wadded up piece of paper and it hit the blinds and fell down. There was nothing on the floor, stuck in the tree or the blinds when I looked. But we BOTH heard it!
So now comes this week. And a weird week it has been. We have one of Willie's cousins visiting for 12 days and it has been quite the visit. We have never met this cousin before believe it or not, so while we are technically living under the same roof for these twelve days, it's getting to know each other while living together that has been really weird.
So one night, while I was enjoying a smoke out front, he hit me up about "our little visitor" as he calls her. He said that my husband had mentioned briefly about our ghostly house guest and he was interested in knowing more. Of course we were both more than happy to feed his curiosity with some of our wild stories.
It just so happens that while I was deep into one of my experiences, my hubby went into the bedroom to let Tonka, one of our dogs, out to run around. He could not find him and immediately came out and yelled at me because he thought I had accidentally locked him outside and that he had somehow escaped. He said he could not find him anywhere. I ran through the house and out back to immediate check to see if he had gotten through the fence over into the backyard of the bank owned home next door. To my surprise the hole was nice and secure.
We both continued calling him and looking everywhere to no avail. At this point, we both went back out front to with our cousin and were just about to go looking down the street when cousin stated "maybe he is in the closet". I told cousin that there was no way he would be in there, afterall we have lived in this house for four and a half years and he has NEVER gone into one of the closets. Right then, I ran inside to look one more time, calling him all the way and to my astonishment, he was came out of the closet!
My hubby and I were left astonished and told cousin that he had NEVER gone in the closet before now, to which he replied "maybe something scared him". I think this was more than a coincidence. I think something did scare him and wasn't it convenient that this strange occurrence would happen right when we were talking about her and that cousin had known (somehow) where to check? To me all those things coming together at the same time was way more than coincidence.
It is incidents like these that leave me with more questions than answers. Did she choose the moment to come forth now after so long because we mentioned her? Could she have been upset at us sharing our stories with a (semi) stranger right before her? Could she have scared our beloved pet to get back at us? To make us perk up an acknowledge the validity of her to our other house guest? One will never know.
I hope now that she seems to have made her presence known to us once again that she will stick around for a while. I always love sharing her stories here on this blog. I hope that we can continue to entertain her enough to make her want to share small moments with us for as long as we stay here. And ultimately, I hope to someday learn if there was such a girl in this home, or on this street, so that we can give her a name and find out why she is still wandering our halls.
Until next time.
In December just before Christmas, we had 3 small incidents that were definitely worth noting. My hubby and I were laying in bed trying to fall a sleep one night when he swore he felt our little dog, Marley, walking up and down behind him on the bed. He almost screamed and scared the living day lights out of me saying "somethings walking on the bed behind me right now and it ain't Marley!". He described it the next day to someone as "depressions on the bed like this...(pushing the cushion on the couch up and down lightly).
This was the first time that I can remember of one of us has actually feeling something like that, near us I mean. Nothing thus far has felt like it was right next to us or touching us in any way. It's usually a shadow figure walking the halls and on the walls, sounds, voices or even weird occurances with items around the hosue.
Weirder yet is that just about a week later, the same thing happened to him again one night when he fell a sleep on the couch when I was in bed. He said he woke up to feeling the same little depressions behind his back in between his body and the back of the couch. On this occasion he said he swiped his hand back and forth behind him looking for little Marley and she was not there. He lifted his head up and saw her fast a sleep in her little doggie bed across from him, no where near the section of the sectional where he had fallen a sleep.
A few days later, another odd incident happened to the two of us in our living room. We were both laying on a couch watching TV when we both heard something hit the mini blinds behind the Christmas tree in our front window. To me it sounded almost like someone through a wadded up piece of paper and it hit the blinds and fell down. There was nothing on the floor, stuck in the tree or the blinds when I looked. But we BOTH heard it!
So now comes this week. And a weird week it has been. We have one of Willie's cousins visiting for 12 days and it has been quite the visit. We have never met this cousin before believe it or not, so while we are technically living under the same roof for these twelve days, it's getting to know each other while living together that has been really weird.
So one night, while I was enjoying a smoke out front, he hit me up about "our little visitor" as he calls her. He said that my husband had mentioned briefly about our ghostly house guest and he was interested in knowing more. Of course we were both more than happy to feed his curiosity with some of our wild stories.
It just so happens that while I was deep into one of my experiences, my hubby went into the bedroom to let Tonka, one of our dogs, out to run around. He could not find him and immediately came out and yelled at me because he thought I had accidentally locked him outside and that he had somehow escaped. He said he could not find him anywhere. I ran through the house and out back to immediate check to see if he had gotten through the fence over into the backyard of the bank owned home next door. To my surprise the hole was nice and secure.
We both continued calling him and looking everywhere to no avail. At this point, we both went back out front to with our cousin and were just about to go looking down the street when cousin stated "maybe he is in the closet". I told cousin that there was no way he would be in there, afterall we have lived in this house for four and a half years and he has NEVER gone into one of the closets. Right then, I ran inside to look one more time, calling him all the way and to my astonishment, he was came out of the closet!
My hubby and I were left astonished and told cousin that he had NEVER gone in the closet before now, to which he replied "maybe something scared him". I think this was more than a coincidence. I think something did scare him and wasn't it convenient that this strange occurrence would happen right when we were talking about her and that cousin had known (somehow) where to check? To me all those things coming together at the same time was way more than coincidence.
It is incidents like these that leave me with more questions than answers. Did she choose the moment to come forth now after so long because we mentioned her? Could she have been upset at us sharing our stories with a (semi) stranger right before her? Could she have scared our beloved pet to get back at us? To make us perk up an acknowledge the validity of her to our other house guest? One will never know.
I hope now that she seems to have made her presence known to us once again that she will stick around for a while. I always love sharing her stories here on this blog. I hope that we can continue to entertain her enough to make her want to share small moments with us for as long as we stay here. And ultimately, I hope to someday learn if there was such a girl in this home, or on this street, so that we can give her a name and find out why she is still wandering our halls.
Until next time.
Sunday, September 18, 2011
September 6th continued...
So, I am a bit late with this one but have not been online much lately. After we had the incident with the stereo, we had a few other instances with electrical items over the next few days.
That same night while Will was sleeping and Allie and I were in the living room, the power started to go out in the whole house twice. It basically powered down for a few seconds and then powered back up. There did not seem to be any logical explanation for it - no power outages, no storms. I even though perhaps we were running to much electricity and perhaps were overloading the breaker, but looking around all we had on was the kitchen light, the TV and this computer. Not enough in my opinion to blow a breaker.
Then a bit later, I went outside to smoke and noticed my car lights were on. The weird thing about that is I have automatic lights that power off after I have been out of the car for a few seconds. I literally have not turned the lights on or off in the car in about EVER.
I proceeded to walk over to my car, opened the door and flipped both the light switch, the dimming roller and the light buttons on the bottom of my rear-view mirror, just to make sure everything was in the correct position. Then I went and sat back down.
I did this three times and each time, the lights stayed on. Finally I went into the house, got my keys and started the car, then turned it off and waited to see if they would finally go off. As it turns out, they did.
Now I don't know anything about ghosts and electricity, and I am curious if they actually have been known to manifest in this way on a consistent basis in some instances. Maybe she was trying to make her presence known in a different way? Could it be that she has sent us subtle hints of her existence these past few weeks that we have missed during 'quiet times' when we think she has been lying low?
Another weird incident worth noting here happened on the very next night. Again, Will and I were out front sitting in our favorite chairs and I excused myself to go to the restroom. When I returned, Will was a little freaked out. Our neighbor has 3 cats (which I can't stand) and the big orange guy was sprinting from the far side of our driveway to the other side of our yard where his yard and house begin. Will says he was at a dead run when he stopped right in the middle of the sidewalk in front of our two front bedroom windows and hissed at our house!
It may be worth noting that while we have been outside and heard things inside the house that seem to come from out of the blue, I have never really noticed things happening outside of the house itself until the car lights and the cat incidents this past week. I wonder how many ghosts actually travel both inside and outside of various buildings or if they do at all.
If anyone has any suggestions or thoughts about these subjects, please leave me a note. I would love to hear some thoughts!
That same night while Will was sleeping and Allie and I were in the living room, the power started to go out in the whole house twice. It basically powered down for a few seconds and then powered back up. There did not seem to be any logical explanation for it - no power outages, no storms. I even though perhaps we were running to much electricity and perhaps were overloading the breaker, but looking around all we had on was the kitchen light, the TV and this computer. Not enough in my opinion to blow a breaker.
Then a bit later, I went outside to smoke and noticed my car lights were on. The weird thing about that is I have automatic lights that power off after I have been out of the car for a few seconds. I literally have not turned the lights on or off in the car in about EVER.
I proceeded to walk over to my car, opened the door and flipped both the light switch, the dimming roller and the light buttons on the bottom of my rear-view mirror, just to make sure everything was in the correct position. Then I went and sat back down.
I did this three times and each time, the lights stayed on. Finally I went into the house, got my keys and started the car, then turned it off and waited to see if they would finally go off. As it turns out, they did.
Now I don't know anything about ghosts and electricity, and I am curious if they actually have been known to manifest in this way on a consistent basis in some instances. Maybe she was trying to make her presence known in a different way? Could it be that she has sent us subtle hints of her existence these past few weeks that we have missed during 'quiet times' when we think she has been lying low?
Another weird incident worth noting here happened on the very next night. Again, Will and I were out front sitting in our favorite chairs and I excused myself to go to the restroom. When I returned, Will was a little freaked out. Our neighbor has 3 cats (which I can't stand) and the big orange guy was sprinting from the far side of our driveway to the other side of our yard where his yard and house begin. Will says he was at a dead run when he stopped right in the middle of the sidewalk in front of our two front bedroom windows and hissed at our house!
It may be worth noting that while we have been outside and heard things inside the house that seem to come from out of the blue, I have never really noticed things happening outside of the house itself until the car lights and the cat incidents this past week. I wonder how many ghosts actually travel both inside and outside of various buildings or if they do at all.
If anyone has any suggestions or thoughts about these subjects, please leave me a note. I would love to hear some thoughts!
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
In Stereo
Not a lot of activity happening around here lately. Bums me out cause I wish I could post more!
We did have two incidents last week of our little dog Marley barking into the darkness. One night it was the usual deep in the chest growling with a little bark here and there looking up that always dark hallway.
The other one was out back on our porch. Now she could have easily seen a cat, but cats would have split the minute she started barking. She was going off that night like no other time before. Marley is a really quit dog and only barks when she hears something or sees something and only for a minute or two. She has never barked for an extended 5+ minutes consistently. That particular night she kept on and on with the persistent barking into the corner of the back yard. And this was not a little bark or growl in the chest. It was a full blown persistent barking, like she would do if someone were breaking into our house that she did not know. Anyway, not real sure what caused all the racket outside, but I am pretty sure I know what caused the incident down the hallway.
One other what I would consider 'major' thing happened to Will this morning. When I got out of the shower and was dressed for work, I went out side to smoke with him before leaving. He proceeded to tell me that the stereo right next to the TV (in the living room) he was watching turned itself on while I was showering. He said at first he was confused because with the TV and the stereo on, he thought maybe two of the TV stations had become 'squashed' together. I assume that means he thought the stations got their wires crossed or something. He said it took him to realize that one was the stereo and then he was really confused! He saw the lights on the meters of the stereo going up and down and heard music coming from one of our daughters type radio stations. He could not believe it had done it right when he was sitting there watching it (basically).
Anyway, this has been bothering him all day long. He kept brushing it off as perhaps the stereo has a timer in it that accidentally came on or something. He has been meaning to ask our daughter if she knew if the stereo had an alarm or a timer or something on it, but she has not bee around today. I told him that if it did, we would have accidentally probably hit it at another point in time over the past two years that we have had the stereo. We bought it new and I would think we would know if it had an alarm clock in it.
No explanation for this one at all. The appliances around here have not just turned themselves on before. Or not that I know of or have realized at the time anyway.
Anyone else ever had an experience with appliances or electrical problems that are unexplainable? I would like to hear about them if you have, cause I just can't seem to get my head around this one.
Until next time :)
We did have two incidents last week of our little dog Marley barking into the darkness. One night it was the usual deep in the chest growling with a little bark here and there looking up that always dark hallway.
The other one was out back on our porch. Now she could have easily seen a cat, but cats would have split the minute she started barking. She was going off that night like no other time before. Marley is a really quit dog and only barks when she hears something or sees something and only for a minute or two. She has never barked for an extended 5+ minutes consistently. That particular night she kept on and on with the persistent barking into the corner of the back yard. And this was not a little bark or growl in the chest. It was a full blown persistent barking, like she would do if someone were breaking into our house that she did not know. Anyway, not real sure what caused all the racket outside, but I am pretty sure I know what caused the incident down the hallway.
One other what I would consider 'major' thing happened to Will this morning. When I got out of the shower and was dressed for work, I went out side to smoke with him before leaving. He proceeded to tell me that the stereo right next to the TV (in the living room) he was watching turned itself on while I was showering. He said at first he was confused because with the TV and the stereo on, he thought maybe two of the TV stations had become 'squashed' together. I assume that means he thought the stations got their wires crossed or something. He said it took him to realize that one was the stereo and then he was really confused! He saw the lights on the meters of the stereo going up and down and heard music coming from one of our daughters type radio stations. He could not believe it had done it right when he was sitting there watching it (basically).
Anyway, this has been bothering him all day long. He kept brushing it off as perhaps the stereo has a timer in it that accidentally came on or something. He has been meaning to ask our daughter if she knew if the stereo had an alarm or a timer or something on it, but she has not bee around today. I told him that if it did, we would have accidentally probably hit it at another point in time over the past two years that we have had the stereo. We bought it new and I would think we would know if it had an alarm clock in it.
No explanation for this one at all. The appliances around here have not just turned themselves on before. Or not that I know of or have realized at the time anyway.
Anyone else ever had an experience with appliances or electrical problems that are unexplainable? I would like to hear about them if you have, cause I just can't seem to get my head around this one.
Until next time :)
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Unexplainable Scratch
Hello Ghost Hunting fans!
I finally have something to report from this past week. Let me just start by saying that earlier in the week, I stopped by the library to pick up a book for the upcoming classes offered this next semester. My co-worker Beth and I had decided that we wanted to take a jewelry making class.
Looking through the new catalog, I found this class of interest. WOW! Really? Offered through the library and taught by Arizona's Ghost Hunting experts themselves. Cool, huh?
Anyway, I had the catalog in my car when I got home from work. After I changed clothes and started relaxing a bit, Will asked me to come sit out front, he wanted to tell me a story. So we went out front, sat in our chairs and I settled in with a beer and a smoke for his story.
Will had gotten off work by noon, had done a little cleaning around the house and then sat down to watch some TV. He proceeded to tell me that while he was watching TV, he felt someone tug on the left sleeve of his t-shirt. At first he thought it was our dog Marley, perhaps pulling it with her mouth. But then he realized that Marley was laying down on the right side of him down the couch a bit resting.
It was shortly after this that he went to take a shower and noticed a scratch just to the right of his left eye. As we were talking, I asked him several questions about this. Did you get slightly hit with anything at work? Did you have something in your hand up by your face by chance? Was the dogs nails by your head at any point? The answers were all no. He said he simply noticed the scratch before his shower.
Now the weird thing is, Will gets lots of scratches on his hands, arms and legs at work. He is always got something going on and can always tell me how he got them. So for him to not be able to explain this one and it be on his face, that was just weird.
He also kept insisting I feel it. The weird thing is that this scratch was underneath the skin and not a scratch on top of the skin that would scab. More like a bruise underneath the skin only and not a surface injury. Of course, I just had to photograph it.
Now our ghost has never been violent, until of course the plate incident and now this. It makes me wonder if perhaps we have more than one? I am not sure. I really need to have someone come in I guess. But I am not sure if I have the balls to do that. I like the 'not knowing' and the mystery of our house. Perhaps digging that deep might just ruin it for us.
Anyway, it was here at this moment that I told Will it was real strange that he would mention these incidents, and I went and got the book for him to see the Ghost Hunting class.
Looks like next week we have 3 or 4 of us who will be attending. I can't wait! Especially since I have always been curious about that cemetary and Beth and I were just talking about it at work. It is literally just at the end of the street where we work.
Anyone else care to join us? Let me know!
I finally have something to report from this past week. Let me just start by saying that earlier in the week, I stopped by the library to pick up a book for the upcoming classes offered this next semester. My co-worker Beth and I had decided that we wanted to take a jewelry making class.
Looking through the new catalog, I found this class of interest. WOW! Really? Offered through the library and taught by Arizona's Ghost Hunting experts themselves. Cool, huh?
Anyway, I had the catalog in my car when I got home from work. After I changed clothes and started relaxing a bit, Will asked me to come sit out front, he wanted to tell me a story. So we went out front, sat in our chairs and I settled in with a beer and a smoke for his story.
Will had gotten off work by noon, had done a little cleaning around the house and then sat down to watch some TV. He proceeded to tell me that while he was watching TV, he felt someone tug on the left sleeve of his t-shirt. At first he thought it was our dog Marley, perhaps pulling it with her mouth. But then he realized that Marley was laying down on the right side of him down the couch a bit resting.
Now the weird thing is, Will gets lots of scratches on his hands, arms and legs at work. He is always got something going on and can always tell me how he got them. So for him to not be able to explain this one and it be on his face, that was just weird.
He also kept insisting I feel it. The weird thing is that this scratch was underneath the skin and not a scratch on top of the skin that would scab. More like a bruise underneath the skin only and not a surface injury. Of course, I just had to photograph it.
Now our ghost has never been violent, until of course the plate incident and now this. It makes me wonder if perhaps we have more than one? I am not sure. I really need to have someone come in I guess. But I am not sure if I have the balls to do that. I like the 'not knowing' and the mystery of our house. Perhaps digging that deep might just ruin it for us.
Anyway, it was here at this moment that I told Will it was real strange that he would mention these incidents, and I went and got the book for him to see the Ghost Hunting class.
Looks like next week we have 3 or 4 of us who will be attending. I can't wait! Especially since I have always been curious about that cemetary and Beth and I were just talking about it at work. It is literally just at the end of the street where we work.
Anyone else care to join us? Let me know!
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